Fledgling Hawk on Larry's

Our dogs found a very adorable fledgling (baby hawk who just can't fly yet) on the ground in the bush about 100 feet off of Larry's about 100 meters north of the Miners/Larry's intersection.  

Its nest and litter mates are right above it and its parents will keep feeding it.  This is very common.  Just sucks it's in such a busy area.  

If you see your dogs being extra curious in this area or know they have a strong prey instinct leash them here or please call them back.  Hopefully the little guy will have a chance of survival. 

Thank you for posting this, I hope lots of people read it and are aware!

Thank you.  It was too cute not too.  Who isn't smitten by a fresh hawk with partial fluff hissing at your dogs. 

Thank goodness they were just curious and didn't get too close. 

I stayed away from Larry's with my dog because you posted this, he would probably try to eat it! (He is young and learning)