New Montreal-Style Bagel Business in Rossland - Market Research Survey
Submitted by APlikesrocks on Wed, 30/01/2019 - 11:26am
Hi there Rosslanders! My name is Arièle Pieters. I grew up on the Island of Montreal and was raised by two east coast ski patroller parents, who shared with me their love for skiing, culture and of course, food. I have made my way to Rossland, where I feel quite at home with a community that shares my passions. My training and background education is in Environmental Engineering, tree planting and travel, but my entrepreneurial spirit has led me to start up my own Montreal Bagel Business here in Rossland, to bring a taste of home to my fellow foodies and bagel-nostalgic east coast friends. I am now conducting research to determine the interest and level of support in our area, as well as assess customer needs and market demand. All feedback, comments and questions are appreciated! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelz7bYxAgWiAYibvTiglE-LvrsXjNn... Town: Rossland, BC Photos:
I want Ramen.
I think this is a great idea. since we are such a small community maybe you could start off selling in our Saturday market. Then maybe you can get an idea?
Great idea! As a Jew from Vancouver I am sorely missing good bagels!
Thanks for feedback guys! The markets are definitely part of the plan. I am still however looking for a industrial-sized commercial kitchen in our area and so if you hear or know of one, please do let me know. Cheers!