2019/20 school year enrollment to J.L. Crowe parents' concerns
Submitted by tadek on Thu, 13/06/2019 - 9:31am
Due to high interest of this issue please submit your concerns; so we can present them to SD20 in upcoming Board meeting June 24.19
To all parents who have concern why theirs’ child was not accepted to be a student in J.L.Crowe in upcoming school year 2019/20.
Please send us your concerns to the e-mail address below so we can present them to the School Board SD20 or to the President of that board. parentscoalition@yahoo.com
Town: Rossland, BC |
I just want to be clear that this group is not associated with the Rossland Summit School Parent Advisory Council (PAC). This is by their own choice for some unknown reason. What parents must know is that the PAC and the PAC meetings exist to address any and all issues. So if there are concerns by parents, they can be presented here and we can all work together to get all of the true facts and come up with solutions. If you choose to go a different route, that’s fine, and in many ways I am happy that parents are actually getting involved and seeking out their own information instead of circulating rumors (I hope). We have always had a completely open door at any of our meetings and we have been discussing these particular matters in detail. You are welcome to contact myself or any of the PAC at any time to discuss, my email is kuznecov@telus.net.
Kari Kuznecov
I would also like to add to Kari's comment that it has been known for a couple of years that JL Crowe was reaching capacity, and that at that time, out of catchment transfers would no longer be accepted. That time has now come. This has also been discussed in detail at PAC meetings and with the School Board.
If you'd like to stay informed, it's really a good idea to attend PAC meetings, as this is our collective parent voice. This is the best way to address issues and concerns.