The Coronavirus Is Not the Plague: The Plague Is US
Submitted by Howser on Sat, 21/03/2020 - 8:16am
Two categories of propaganda must be distinguished. The first strives to create a permanent disposition in its objects and constantly needs to be reinforced. Its goal is to make the masses ‘available,’ by working spells upon them and exercising a kind of fascination. The second category involves the creation of a sort of temporary impulsiveness in its objects. It operates by simple pressure and is often contradictory (since contradictory mass movement are sometimes necessary).” – Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society http://edwardcurtin.com/the-coronavirus-is-not-the-plague-it-is-us
The "Lock Step" Simulation Scenerio https://www.globalresearch.ca/all-sectors-us-establishment-lock-step-dee...
We need a global leave the cycbernetic trap (your phone) at home day. Go into nature and use your mind, meditate or pray or whatever you want to call it. Respect your neighbors as family. This is the time to know your rights and freedoms. Otherwise, how will you know when you lose them. International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx
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