Take the Survey: The South Kootenay Green Link Active Transportation Plan from Rossland to Fruitvale
Submitted by Viv Hurley on Thu, 29/06/2023 - 1:59pm
The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) is calling on all Rosslanders to get online to unleash their ideas on the South Kootenay Green Link Active Transportation Plan (ATP). Project leaders are seeking community input that will drive the development of its game-changing, multi-use corridor.
The online survey, which closes on Sunday, July 9, will enable you to join the movement, share your thoughts and make your mark: https://jointheconversation.rdkb.com/greenlink-active-transportation-plan
The initiative, which is in its ‘listening phase’, aims to create a cohesive, accessible, all ages and abilities (AAA), active transportation network that connects Rossland, Warfield, Trail, Montrose, Fruitvale, through Electoral Areas A and B/Lower Columbia-Old Glory, helping its users to ‘ditch the car’ and walk, ride, skate or roll instead. It hopes to fill a gap for a safe, interconnected alternative that will connect downtown cores, the Trail Regional Hospital, Trail’s Teck Operations, local schools and other important amenities. Town: Rossland, BC Photos: