Last day for Speaker Series tickets and don't forget about the Instinct Ski Raffle
Submitted by Rossland Mountain... on Fri, 24/11/2023 - 10:48am
Last day to get your tickets for the Speaker Series at the Joise, only $15 for a great event and a chance to win a ski package worth over $1000 from Head Skis, get your tickets here https://www.brownpapertickets.com/profile/3711692 come for dinner and recieve a bonus 2 tikcets for the ski draw and also get 15% off dinner with your ticket, what a deal! Free shuttle from town starting at 4 pm leaving from the Prestige Hotel. Win a pair on Insticnt Skis for onl;y $10, tickets here: https://app.galabid.com/rosslandfilmfest Town: Rossland, BC |