Joe Hill Coffeehouse March 2!

March 2 7:00 to 8:30 pm

The Joe Hill Coffee House is coming up next Sunday, March 2! We've got a wonderful one this month with the Rossland Ukulele Choir, the a cappella trio of Sarah Sordi, Erin Simonen and Amelia Ewart (you may have heard their fabulous singing in RLOP shows!), Tim O’Doherty, Graden Lysek and Jackson Blondeau! Only $5 for a wonderful evening of great entertainment at the Miners Hall, starting at 7:00 and finishing around 8:30pm. Joe Hill is a monthly coffee house that welcomes all types of performance. Come be entertained, and enjoy some homemade baking from the Gold Fever Follies (don't miss the carrot cake!). See you there! If you're interested in performing at a future show, email #joehillcoffeehouse #rossland #rosslandartscouncil #localtalent #goldfeverfollies
Town: Rossland, BC
Venue: Rossland Miners Hall