WKC-Flat Earth Society - First General Meeting :)


Hey there :) For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mary. My husband and I are relatively new to town but, like many before us who stumbled upon the West Kootenays, we have fallen in love with Rossland and the sense of community it has given us.

We are very excited to announce the first meet-up for the West Kootenay Chapter of the Flat Earth Society on April 16, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Miners Hall! :)

This is meant to be a fun and social meet and great to share ideas and have thoughtful discussion.  

I understand that this topic can stir up debate. We're not as interested in arguments or negativity. If your outlook is expressed with such tones please consider not attending.   We're looking for like minded community members who share common interests and friendship.

Hope to see you there! :)