City of Rossland Snow plowing schedule
Submitted by The block on Sun, 12/01/2020 - 10:06am
Hey rossland..
Just a update on plowing for the next few days.
Sunday we are just maintaining roads with fix blade sand trucks.
Monday all equipment will be out to do old town with sand trucks still maintaining red stone and red mountain. Please be patient as the crew will be late getting to your area as the amount of snow will slow is down.
Tuesday all equipment will be out at red mountain and red stone and sand trucks maintaining old town.
Depending on weather we will be removing snow on Columbia and Washington followed side streets in the downtown core.
Please remove vehicles from the streets so we can do a better job on snow removal.
Thanks for your understanding!!
Happy skiing Town: Rossland, BC |
Thank you!!!
Thank you Snow removal and City people for doing a great job!
yes thanks,,, good luck with a big day cleaning up today... rock on
Thanks for the update and the good work. No complaints!
I think we all appreciate the hard work from our plow crew, but I do have to concur with PhilF.
Where were the blowers this weekend? This is the most snow we have had all year, it is difficult to understand why the full snow removal crews were not out each day over the weekend. The roads are terrible out there! And the intersections were getting worse and worse to navigate. With cars having to park all over the streets in our town, it was pretty disasterous trying to park and drive on these streets.
Isn't this what we pay so much for?
Not to mention that there was an emergency this weekend, and the ambulance and fire trucks couldn't navigate the streets and nobody answered the phone at the City hall to come help. Thank god that person who needed help was ok. But seriously - - leaving the streets with so much snow on them for days, while it just keeps accumulating, is not safe for anyone who lives here.
i also had the same thought as pay dirt and wondering why there was not more out to do the clearing
Nothing better than a good dump of snow or a power outage to bring everyone back to reality. Wow, everyone drove in a single file up the hill. In regards to taxes, I swore the government statutes, that we consent to under duress, are in place to create more snow. Force us to behave as though we can change the climate.
Great work City Of Rossland, thank you for the efforts!.. just saw the blower clear our on street parking and we are so stoked! you have your hands full with this last dump and I can't imagine the pressure you see from the public. Good idea to release this schedule and Keep up the great work.