DynaPro Automotive Ltd.
Submitted by Jeremy Richards on Mon, 16/03/2020 - 8:56pm
There is so much going on right now, it is difficult to make a decision as whether or not to remain open during this crisis, or what decision to make for keeping ourselves safe, and of course others. You would think that working on vehicles does not pose any risk, except that the cabin of the vehicle is a hotspot for the transmission of colds, germs, viruses etc. We all sneeze and cough, and most of that ends up on the steering wheel, the windshield, seats, keys and door handles. Over the next few days we will monitor the situation and make a decision based on the information available to us. That is all we can do. Whilst we are open, we will disinfect all surfaces in the office multiple times throughout the day, we will always wear disposable gloves and will dispose of them between vehicles so we do not transfer anything between them, wipe down the components of the interiors of the vehicle that we have been in contact with, and generally just be as clean as possible. I have placed a sign on the door that states to only have one person in the office at a time, and also there is a sign to show you that we do have hand sanitizer at the front counter on the wall. If you do come in, please use it. If you are feeling unwell for any reason, please do not come in. In return, if one us feels the same, we will close until the coast is clear. Thank you for understanding, Jeremy Richards
Town: Rossland, BC |
Jeremy, you're the best! Thanks for being so considerate! (And let's hope this whole thing settles down by the time everyone needs to switch out their winter tires for summer ones!)
thanks Jeremy, who knows where this will take us
By the way the new ckutch is awesome, thanks for the great work and what a saving from what Toyota quoted me!