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Has anyone planted a honey crisp apple tree

Curious if anyone has planted a honey crisp apple tree in Rossland and how it is doing. Have you had any problems with bugs ect? Looking for info before I try planting one myself!

Thanks in advance

Planted one 6 years ago.  Lots of bugs at the beginning. Last year it produced 80 to a 100 delicious apples!

How did you treat the bugs?

Washed the leaves with soap and water




In young trees you can usually hand pick bugs, putting them in soapy water to kill them.  Aphids can be pressure washed off with the strong stream of your hose nozzle.  Their soft bodies are damaged by the water stream.  But what I see most often on apple trees, as on maple trees, squash plants, tomatoes, etc in Rossland is powdery mildew by mid to late summer.  The spores come in on warm winds and almost every maple tree here shows the grey/white powder on leaves.  This mildew overwinters in soil and is a good reason to not compost or keep maple leaves or any diseased leaves.  A spray of neem oil, every 2 or 3 weeks, which you can buy in almost any good nursery will help.  A stronger solution is copper sulphate and lime and you can find it premixed at the nursery.  Any new growth that has been weakened by powdery mildew will then attract bugs. Cut out any new growth that is weak.