Regarding the Kelowna 4B Outbreak
Submitted by Miss Vickies on Sat, 27/02/2021 - 3:37pm
I just wanted to warn anyone who has been to the Kelowna Hospital in recent weeks about a possible COVID exposure. Kelowna had issued a statement that the outbreak was contained and that the hospital was safe to visit. They were wrong however, and COVID got out. My mom was on the infected floor (4B) for 7 days, getting cancer treatment and seeing a specialist. No one from IH or contact tracing contacted her. We only found out because a friend had notified me of the news on Monday (two days after she got back). I got her tested promptly and she tested positive. I had to fight to get her a test because contact tracing didn't call her and because she was showing no symptoms that we know of - she obviously feels like trash from chemo so its hard to tell. I couldn't get any information out of Kelowna, only that contact tracing was handling it. Now my compromised Mom, as well as my Dad and brother are quarantined together. My Dad and Brother were not permitted to get tested because they did not have any symptoms yet and that it was deemed too soon. I do not live with them but had brief masked contact with my mom a day after they returned. In order to get tested, I had to lie saying I had one symptom. I got my negative results today but now have to wait out a 14 day quarantine incase I had a false negative test. Please reach out to anyone you know that may have also been unknowingly exposed. I know mistakes happen but too many were made and obviously we are furious of the carelessness and the lack of action by the Kelowna Hosptial and IH. So know that COVID is here and hopefully with luck and massive effort on our part, we did not spread it beyond our household. Please Stay local, play local, and keep to your bubble, because shit can get really out of control fast, even if you have been practicing extreme caution the entire time, like our family has. I will not answer any further questions and please be kind if you decide to respond. Town: Rossland, BC ![]() |
thanks so much for the timely reminder.
Thanks so much for posting this, the entire pandemic has made Rossland feel very much like a bubble with many people mentally checking out from the inevitable reality.
I'm so sorry this happened to you and your family, I hope your mom gets better soon
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and this experience :(. How frightening not knowing, waiting, in addition to all the other awful things about cancer. Thank you so much for sharing this experience and important reminder to everyone about how rapidly and insidiously this virus spreads.
Wow, your family definitely did not need that. Sincerely hope your mom and family did not contract COVID. And good for your for being proactive about it!
IH seriously needs to get their $hit together.
Thanks for posting this.
Thank you for the reminder and for sharing your experiences
This is a very unfortunate tale. I hope you and your family recover quickly and completely.
On the broader view, how can we trust IHA to manage our long delayed vaccine program when they can't even deal properly with an incident such as this?