Follow up: What businesses or local services do we need in Rossland?

Hey Rossland Bhubblers!


A big thanks on behalf of the Economic Development Task Force for your thoughtful responses and ideas in our recent post about what businesses you would like to see in Rossland.


We had a lot of fun reading your ideas and insights about potential businesses in town. 


We heard about a need for more childcare, an appetite for new restaurants to complement our delicious existing ones (pun intended), and a desire for enterprising solutions to composting that reduces food waste while limiting attraction for bears. 


You also raised interest in a car/ bike wash, spa, lots of interest in seeing more health care professionals work in town, and a number of other ideas ranging from an apiary and a maker space/ video gaming center. There were not one, but two suggestions that Rossland could use a lingerie store; including one that offers tapas (in case you were wondering, we’d like to see this one called Brief Bites!).  


The Task Force, which is meeting weekly, is excited to explore how we might attract some of these types of businesses, ideally in a way that makes use of existing community spaces in assets. 


Next up: We’ll be sending a ThoughtExchange directly to business owners and employees early next week posing the question: As a business in Rossland, what’s working well for you, and what are your greatest challenges? Keep an eye on your inboxes, business owners and local employees.


As opinions and ideas roll in, we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop and continue to reach out for your feedback.


Thanks again!


Your Rossland Economic Development Task Force 

Feel free to reach out any time to us via

More under 2 childcare!

There are over 7.6 billion people in the world. We don't need any more children. Keep it in your pants people.

Too bad you were born backcountry Bob, then there'd be one less!

Nothing personal! Just pointing out how inane the "people shouldnt have kids" argument is. Also, this is a post about businesses that are needed in rossland, and has nothing to do with the world's population 

The Thought Exchange for businesses is now live!

Check it out