Stop the madness at the post office

Everything is opening up and it is absurd to have only 3 people in the post office at a time. Restaraunts, movie theatres, churches, reatil are all open with up to 50 people at a time inside. Does anybody know who to talk to so we can get this changed?

New rules start tomorrow.

What's this "we can get it changed"? I like it this way and if you think

this is madness, get out of Rossland more.

I agree with JohnP. Would be great to see Ferreros go back to their pre-covid hours of operation too.

Many stores will never return to normal hours the cost saving and profit creating that shorter hours gives them is something the can't resist. 

Maybe actually talk to someone at the Post Office?  Might be a little more productive than spouting off on here..