Freedom convoy
Submitted by Bhubble Admin on Fri, 28/01/2022 - 3:40pm
It's becoming more apparent to me that this rally is not a peaceful protest and there are alternative motives. I believe in questioning authority but don't forget to question the questioners as well. I understand folks are sick of the mandates but violence won't end this pandemic. Any more discussion that promote the "freedom convoy" will be removed. Alynn Smith Bhubble Admin Town: Rossland, BC |
Alynn - why do you think this protest is violent?
There has not been a single ounce of violence across the entire country this week. NONE. Zero violence.
Did you watch any of the links that have been posted?
No violence whatsoever. It is a disgrace to censor this!
This is a peaceful, nationwide movement to end mandates.
So much for freedom of speech. !WOW!
Listen to today's episode of the current on CBC. The guy that started all this is not to be trusted.
Journalists have been threatened !
Journalists have been threatened !
Hope it settles down...
Ok, I will!
But this wasn't started by a guy.
Pat King? He is not part of the organization of this.
All of the event organizers across Canada have already went on record stating this.
James Bauder, Canada Unity.
The journalists have been threatened is right. if they report the truth they will lose all funding.
So I am listening to this, and here is what I notice:
- the MOU is not an agreement with Canada Unity. They are not even named in it, "the people of canada" are.
- Nowhere anywhere has anything said this MOU will "demolish parliament"
- no mention of violence whatsoever
- labelling all people involved as anti vaxxers
- lying about the number of vehicles and people involved
- lying about what the whole thing is about and who is involved
CBC and other mainstream news outlets have lied through this whole week.
It is such a shame to have this twisted into the negative thing it is not and to have this conversation and important moment in Canada censored by you Alynn.
If you pay attention to the people on the ground this movement is filled with LOVE and HOPE. It is filled with a diversity of people from across this country, from every corner and every direction.
There are thousands of KIDS cheering on this convoy!
This is Canada unifying - finally - for change.
I guess Rossland is not allowed to be part of this incredibly moving celebration.
And wait - is the CBC not rooted in systemic racism? Oh wait... I guess that is okay, right.
Seriously people. Do not worry,, or be afraid. It will all be ok. Just remain up to date on your boosters, say home, and wear your masks. It could have been much, much, much, much worse.
I believe that Alynn, as moderator, is entitled to do as she pleases with this site, just as I decide who enters my house or not. She grants the privilege for others to use Bhubble and sets the standards. No one is entitled here.
Thank you Carol!
I think some people are getting involved in this do have good intentions and are just tired of the pandemic and the mandates. I totally understand that, this has been going on for a long time! Unfortunately, there are also people involved who are intentionally spreading false information and promoting violence and therefore I am disabling comments on this post and removing any further posts about this subject. Stay safe and please be kind to your neighbours.