Discover Rossland is coming up!
Submitted by Kathy Moore on Wed, 21/09/2022 - 4:06pm
Don't forget! Discover Rossland 2022 is happening Thursday Sept 22nd. 5:30-7:30 at the Miners Hall. Come meet lots of non-profit groups and service clubs. Discover how you can volunteer and make a difference in our marvelous little town. Don't miss it! Town: Rossland, BC |
Awesome and a Relief 2 See the two running for Mayor aren't the Whine and Bad Vibe tyoes that have done Nothing but Complain about things like Sidewalks? Wow No sidewalks? Yeah F disabled who would benefit from sidewalk F elderly with walkers who benefit from sidewalks F the Blind! Don't come 2 Rossland! We hate Inclusion! F tourism growth F the kids at Red Village who walk on Road 2 Bus Stop. Thank God the Q nut Bunch are staying outta Local Politics And we can continue to take positive good Vibes Steps Forward. PS hear about the 80 Storey Hotel Trumps Proposed for Downtown Rossland? Me neither. Sorry W Nutter but the sky's not falling. Vancouver developers aren't beating down the door. Get a life? Put the Booze down for a few months? Need a Hug?