Congratulations to the New City Council
Submitted by Kathy Moore on Sun, 16/10/2022 - 6:41am
https://localelections.ca/election_results/113_2022_results.html Congratulations to the newly elected Rossland City Council. Rosslanders once again selected a progressive and energetic Mayor and City Council to lead them for the next four years. I am confident that Mayor Andy Morel and Councillors Maya Provencal, Lisa Kwiatkowski, Jeff Weaver, Eliza Boyce, Stewart Spooner and Craig Humpherys will do a wonderful job for our community. Big thanks to everyone who came out to vote (52% of eligible voters). City staff deserve our appreciation for organizing and executing a flawless election- many long hours were involved. Also, a shout out goes to ALL the candidates who put their names forward. There were several different perspectives, views and visions for our community presented, and Rosslanders made a clear choice. Town: Rossland, BC |
Congratulations to the new Mayor and Council! Well done Kathy for your many years of service.
Thank you to all who ran. Congrats to the new team of leaders!!