Community Based Climate Change Action
Submitted by Scriagd on Tue, 28/02/2023 - 7:04am
Local forest ecologist and environmental educator will be presenting a talk at the Miners Hall on March 18th. The talk will explore how we can adapt to unique wildfire risks and a changing snowpack; and take mitigation measures as a community such as developing systems for local plastics recycling and winter food production. Craig DeLong (www.linkedin.com/in/craig-delong-73426260) , a forest ecologist who heads up a project examining the forest drought impacts of climate change and leads a project making products from local plastics, will talk about these subjects and more. Following the talk, you can see what products the Rossland Refactory (https://koelsociety.com/rossland-refactory/) are making these days, listen to music, and dance the night away. Beer and wine will be available. Join us at the Rossland Miners Hall for the event. See https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/rossland-refactory-fundraiser-tickets-463723097267 Can’t make it to the event but want to hear the talk by Zoom see https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/adapting-mitigating-and-building-resilience-as-a-community-tickets-463742736007
Town: Rossland, BC Photos: