Looking for a ride from Vancouver

Stranded on the coast.  Is anyone driving from Vancouver or anywhere on the lower mainland to Rossland or anywhere in the West Kootenays?  Please text me at: 416-452-7177.  Thanks, Roma

Same here, potentially know of a few others. Good luck Roma. Check out Kootenay ride share. Potentially a drive heading out tomorrow, but no confirmation from the driver yet. 



Coastal Airlines worked for me. Managed to get out this afternoon, wasn't cheap, but in comparison to potentially spending multiple days in Vancouver, could be worth it (was for me and my specific circumstances) 

Subbing in here too! Scheduled to fly direct into Kelowna Tuesday (where car parked)...and not coming up with a lot of viable alternatives so far to get either to Kelowna via buses/airport taxis, or direct to home (can cope without the car temporarily).  The earliest flight options to Castlegar or Trail are not until Thursday.  mountain mikes bus line doesn't run again until Thursday either.  Jlandry, it's fortunate you got on that Pacific Coastal flight today!

...or can hedge bets on flights resuming by Tuesday evening?  Air Canada didn't sound optimistic as they are allowing a change for travel between Aug 20-Sept 4.  Feeling so bad for the folks displaced from homes by the fires :( And so grateful for the crews fighting them.

Kamloops seems to be a viable option with a shuttle to Kelowna. I know some Rosslanders did that today. But things are pretty booked right now and not many options available. That was the problem I ran into, especially since I booked my flight last minute for specific reasons. 

I think getting into Kelowna airport (via ground transport) to retreive vehicles is not that big of a deal. We know people that drove into that area yesterday, and didn't report anything problematic. I had considered doing it from Vancouver, but didn't have a physical key to my vehicle, so I wasn't sure I could drive it home, and the Coastal flight worked out. 

In retrospect, if I knew I could have driven my vehicle home from Kelowna, that is what I would have focued on. 


Thank you!!!   Good to know there may be shuttle options.  I also checked again and pacific coastal does have flight options after all. 

We considered Kamloops also (no charge to land there instead).  So far it would involve being 14+ hours in transit from Toronto....plus the shuttle from Kamloops...plus drive to Rossland.  I guess it is either something long all done at once.  Or a later extra drive back to Kelowna in September to get the vehicle.

Flights into Kelowna are back on again...but landing after 9 pm, with direct flights getting rerouted via Vancouver mostly.