Red mountain parking lots full, turning ALL cars away

Red Mountain is turning all cars away as all parking lots are full, even topping. They informed us to use the shuttle which our ASD child won't/can't use. We are pass holders. 
I can't imagine how much worse it's going to get when they turn even MORE of our parking spots into condos With the Daly (pavilion) which will eat the entire lower lot and the Glades (eating the new lot on the old road) 

I was at the Centennial parking lot earlier and it was entirely full of people waiting to catch the bus to Red. Doesn't seem right that Red is offloading the consequences of their poor planning/decisions onto public parking lots. This means that people who are trying to access the Centennial trails for other winter activities (snow shoeing, fat biking, xc skiing, etc) can't use the lot. Doesn't seem right.

As long as local government is only focussed on tax income from the mountain, all other concerns will be ignored. Time to let your local government know of your concerns. Go to council meetings and let your voice be heard.

Good Luck!

im suggesting a name change...



4low, that is just PERFECT! I will never call it Red again lol

A thinking person would consider that the best snow day of the year on a Saturday might be busy at RED and plan accordingly.

What about a thinking person trying to use the trails at Centennial?

Fake news. The lower lot was half empty and untracked at noon. 

Nicely done 4low


It was busy up there. The resort doesn't seem concerned about short term parking concerns...

"poor planning/decisions"

Poorly planned is subjective. This plan is calculated and working great for the red real estate team. We're all just casualties to unchecked development.

There is a lot of capacity wasted because people don't park close enough together and the mountain doesn't take an activew role in reminding drivers or directing them to do it.