Reminder! Record Ridge Mine - Tell the Ministry you want an Environmental Assessment - June 14 deadline
Submitted by Elissa Marie on Tue, 04/06/2024 - 8:25am
Reminder! Please sign the petition and submit your comments to the EAO! See below for details.
As you may have seen, the next step of the Record Ridge Mine review process is happening. The Environmental Assessment Office will be deciding whether this project should go to Environmental Assessment. Comments are due June 14. What you can do: 1.Write to the EAO and tell them you think this project warrants an environmental assessment to understand how it will affect our community before it goes ahead: https://engage.eao.gov.bc.ca/RecordRidge-PD 2. Sign our petition to demonstrate our community's concern! We have approx. 20% of Rossland residents' signatures to date. Let's see how many we can get before June 14! Share this with friends and family not on social media. The more signatures, the more we can show the ministry our community wants a full assessment of impacts of this mine project to our community including impacts to water, Rossland's economy, Record Ridge's ecosystem and our collective wellbeing: https://form.jotform.com/231375084434051 3. Donate to Save Record Ridge Action Committee. SRRAC members have poured our lives into our submissions this past month; we are currently needing to raise a significant amount more, beyond what we have already raised, to cover our legal costs for the EMLI process just completed and the EAO process ongoing. We will soon be updating our Go Fund Me goals too. Help us help you! https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-record-ridge-stop-the-open-pit-mine?qid=... (if you’d prefer to donate directly, we can now accept e-transfers to: saverecordridge@gmail.com) If you're like to be on SRRAC's mailing list to get more details re: our activities write to saverecordridge@gmail.com or sign the petition! Town: Rossland, BC Photos:
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Closes tomorrow night! I just filled out the survery at:
If you want to share your concerns and why you think a full environmental assessment should be done for the proposed open-pit mine, you have until tomorrow night to do so.
Even if you just put in a few of your key concerns, that is incredibly helpful.
I recommend reading a letter from State of Washington Department of Ecologyavailable at https://www.projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/p/662c34c8bd773100221ff9d4/documents?currentPage=1&pageSize=100 . It lists deficiencies in the application including discussion of water treatment and monitoring as well risks from asbestos in the mined rock.
Poll Are you in favour of an open-pit mine on Record Ridge? Yes 83% No 17% .,,, ~LONESHEEP n,r PUBLISHING 5