Big Bobby's Passing

To the three ladies who, on Sunday June 2, saw that our big grey tabby had been hit on Hwy 3 B and  tried to get him to a vet. And when he didn't make it, brought him home to us. You can't know how much it meant to us that you had the sensitivity and took the time to do that. As long as we remember Big Bobby, our beautiful, 20-pound bobcat lookalike, we will remember your special kindness. Rosa & Derek


You are welcome Rosa and Derek. We are still so sad Bobby didn't make it. Rebecca, Everest & Oona

Rebecca, Everest, and Oona, I'm glad you saw our posting as, not knowing your names, it was the only way we had to thank you for your remarkable act of kindness. Had you not done this, we might have spent days, weeks, or months searching for him and never knowing that, at the end he was at least in the arms of people as sensitive as you.