It’s all they do.
Submitted by Robinson Robinson on Tue, 27/08/2024 - 10:04am
They only are capable of Lying and gossiping that's what Gaslighting is after all. No it's not when you find out about the Narcs in Rossland/ Trail that the gaslighting Stops it's when You cut them Off that you are Free from the Game They so Eagerly play. Narcissistic dont change (that's impossible) or care th only solution is No Contact absolutely ignore and walk away from them.Demonics is what they truly are. Town: Rossland, BC Photos:
Then leave already. You come on here and on FB and whine and bitch about this community with nothing postive to ever offer. If you can't handle the people in this community go somewhere else. You're a borken record that we're all sick of.
Second the motion.
I suppose it might be interesting to some if only it was written in English or one of the other recognized languages of the world.
Your posts are very cryptic They seem to elicit the same responses everytime. It has been said that doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome is an indication of insanity. Mental health is serious business and should not be taken lightly. Id like to suggest you seek out supportive professional assistance.
i hope you find the help you need
Be well.
Sadly, it is those who need help the most that are the last to seek help. I too hope they seek help.