Water restrictions

We're now in stage 3 water restrictions as of Juy 27, to put things in context last year we hit stage two in SEPTEMBER.  Not even two weeks ago I broguht the issue of the city wasting a valuale resource during the hottest summer and worst fire season we've seen and nobody seemed to care much, including the city works manager.  So here we are, probably heading to stage 4 soon, which I've never actually seen before.  I haven't been by the ball feilds lately  so I can't say wether they're still getting thousands of litres of water dumped on them daily.  But Im sure most of us can agree now it should have stopped long ago.

Hate to sound like a broken record but our watershed area (Lower Columbia Basin) is in drought level 4 of 5, and next door the Kettle River Basin is at 5.  It's only August 5th, if anybody doesn't find this alarming, wake the f**k up.

OK I'll bite. When someone puts a water meter in my house, it signals to me that I can use as much as I want as long as I pay. If you want to restrict usage, crank up the price. Otherwise you better provide me as much water as I want.

I am glad your sentiment is not shared by the overwhelming majority of Rosslanders. What would happen if everybody in town used as much water as they wanted? It would not matter how much you were willing to pay, there simply would not be anymore water left to provide you with. It is dry as heck outside right now. There are forest fires burning all over the province. We are in the middle of a major drought. The level in our reservoir is going down right now, not up. There is only a finite amount of water available to use, that is why these restrictions are needed. That is why we need people to follow them. This is something that most people around here seem to understand. 

Hey sgo, maybe you should sgo away!!

Sgo, pure ignorance at its finest,  well done.  Great example of self entitlement and how far a person can ram their head up their ass.

Nice that you can put it so eloquently 


I'm a little confused sgo - if the price goes up you'll still be paying for it so you'll still be using as much as you want? How does that restrict usage O arrogant one?
I do hope you're getting your money's worth out of the health care system which you're presumably paying for.

As one sits and enjoys a coffee 98%water during a very dry summer.For certain not the last dry summer.I think of our world 70 % water of which only 1.2% is accessible drinking water. I think about the morning dishwater letting the water flow freely and the flushing of the toilet. Yikes. I try hard to think about the more than 1billion people who are thirsty right now. You too thanks.