Outdoor Programming for Kids in Rossland- We Need Your Input!

Hello Parents of Rossland,

We need your input! We (the Nature Detectives) have been running outdoor-specific programming through Rossland Recreation for 2 years, offering kids the opportunity to deepen their connection with the natural world and with each other through outdoor adventures, hands-on activities, spontaneous play, art, music and imagination!  We want to see if more consistent outdoor programming is a feasible endeavour in the Rossland area. We're also interested in what sort of program structure fits the needs and wishes of Rossland families, and what hours/days of the week/times of year would be most beneficial. We have created 2 surveys and we would really appreciate your input. One is for parents of children 5 and under and the other is for parents of school-age kids. They are both 10 questions long and shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Thanks so much, see you outside! 

5 and Under: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BPSJ276

School-Age: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B6QQ2JZ




surveys take less than 5 minutes, do it for the children! 

It's true! I timed it and it took a whole 3 minutes!

It's true! I timed it and it took a whole 3 minutes!

thanks for your feedback so far everyone :) getting some good responses. keep 'em coming! 

parents:  if you haven't filled one of these out, we're still looking for more feedback!