Help Needed! - Warning- disturbing content

KAAP has stepped in to help in a dire situation.

There is a small home in our vicinity with over 30 cats inside, the owner of the home sadly died some time ago without anyone knowing. Many of the cats died as a result of starvation. Some of the cats managed to survive due to a leaking water tap. These cats are grossly emaciated and near death. Urgent help is needed for fostering, funds are needed to help with their emergency vet care. Currently they are on IV for hydration. Please look at the KAAP Facebook page- these little darlings are billed as 'the survivors".

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Oh this is terrible to read:( Was this was a senior resident?  Are there any groups of local volunteers to check up on folks who live alone? Our region has the highest number of seniors at 17% in the province so I suspect there may be others in our area living alone and in need of assistance and certainly more so in the coming years..... Im not sure of any org that currently does this, but we will spread the word about the cats needing homes.