Portable fruit press available to borrow - free!
Submitted by Ann Damude on Sat, 07/09/2024 - 8:07am
Make delicious apple juice from your apples! Plan on borrowing the Sustainability Commission's portable apple press and get juicing! A great family activity! You'll need an SUV or pick up truck to pick the press up. The kit includes a hand cranked apple press (picture attached) and an electric apple shredder. Sign up here. This page also has info on how to operate the press, pick up location etc. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ysep-X0ztScdE_LHa3a68OMYw_jU9g0Y... Need fruit or have excess fruit? Check out the Rossland Harvest Rescue Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/308601412372/ Also watch for announcements about the Community Pressing Day. Photos:
Town: Rossland, BC |
Pick your apples then book the portable press and make juice! The softer your apples, the more juice you will get. Great family activity!
If you'd like to juice but don't have any apples, check out the Rossland Harvest Rescue facebook page. tree owners who have too much fruit or who can't pick their own trees, will post to Harvest Rescue.
Press yur fruit at home by borrowing the portable fruit press!
Press still available to borrow! Pick your fruit and press it! Make delicious fruit and minimize bear attractants. The press will be available for the next week or so....then it will go back into storage until next summer.
LAST CALL for borrowing the portable fruit press. If there are no further bookings, the press will go into winter storage. And will be available for bookings again next summer!