All things Fruit Trees!
Submitted by Matt on Sun, 15/09/2024 - 11:06am
It's that time of year again. The fruit trees are weighing heavy and the bears are starting to come back into town to take advantage of it. In an effort to both support local food consumption and reduce human bear conflict, the Sustainability Commission has a few initiatives on the go. Whether you have a fruit tree, know a fruit tree, or just like fruit, these tools can help you pick, press and preserve all the fruit you can get your hands on. 1. The Fruit Finder App - Created by one of our amazing volunteers, this app lists every fruit tree in town. It lets you filter by type of tree, whether it's on private property, whether it's ripe, or if it's been picked already. Open this app and go on a scavenger hunt. Great way to spend a morning with the kids! https://fruitfinder-fd94b.firebaseapp.com/ 2. Free ladder, fruit picker, dehydrator and vacuum sealer - Found some trees but can't stack enough kids on your shoulders to get to them? Head the the library and ask to borrow the SC fruit ladder or fruit picking pole. While you are there you can also ask to borrow the SC dehydrator and vacuum sealer to help you preservce some of that free neighbourhood sugar. 3. Portable Fruit Press - Ok, so you've picked enough apples to choke a goat... now what!? Borrow the SC portable fruit press, bring it home and make enough juice to drown that goat! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ysep-X0ztScdE_LHa3a68OMYw_jU9g0Y... 4. Fruit Pressing Weekend - More than you think you can handle on your own? Sign up for a slot at our community pressing event and our volunteers will press your fruit for you. Show up with bins of fruit, leave with bottles of juice (or bins of juice if you forgot to bring bottles). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kc5fNp0iHKBV-Sqy6l0hQqrP7jGWRJGs... 5. Harvest Rescue - Ladden with fruit trees that you can not manage yourself? Happy for others to come help themselves? Try posting on the Rossland Harvest Rescue page and let your neighbours help take them off your trees. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1086939284693166/ Most importantly, if there are services, tools or initiatives that you would like to see the City or the Sustainability Commission heading up, don't be shy. Reach out and let our fearless leader know what you are thinking - development.services@rossland.ca
Town: Rossland, BC |