The End of the SODASTREAM Era....

Our relationship with Sodastream has ended and we have now officially sold out of regular Sodastream Canister/Refills.

If you have the Quick Connect Pink canister, we do have a few left for exchange.

If you know of anyone that is refilling these as a home based business, please let me know, I'll be happy to spead the news and use the service myself!!


Happy Bubbles is happy to refill any of the original soda stream cannisters (not the quick connect)

Located in Rossland :)

$20 delivered to your home!

I've had a few people ask about how it works.

1. Email me your address.

2. Put the empty cannister outside your front door.

3. I'll notify you when the cannister outside your door is full.

4. Etransfer (or leave cash with the empty cannister).


I can vouch for Happy Bubbles! Jesse has been filling our cannisters for a few years and provides a stress free, fast service. 

I second Amanda, a very fast and convenient service.