Red Cross Stay Safe Day Camp, Jan 2

Rossland Rec is offering a unique option for children ages 9-13 on Jan 2. 8:45-4:15 pm

Youth will take part in the Red Cross Stay Safe course and learn valuable skills related to being at home alone BUT ALSO go skating at the arena and have time for socializing and FUN. Register at (under Educational Courses for Youth). Cost is $75.00.

Course Content

  • Importance of responsibility and respect while being accountable for yourself
  • Importance of setting and following rules around safety when staying on your own
  • How to stay safe at home and within the community
  • How to prepare, recognize and respond to unexpected situations, (i.e. inclement weather, strangers, unanticipated visits) 
  • First Aid Content:
    • Check, Call, Care (includes phoning EMS/911), recovery position, conscious choking (adult/child/alone), feeling unwell, asthma (includes use of inhaler and spacer), anaphylaxis (includes use of EpiPen), poisoning, insect stings, wound care (i.e. minor cuts and scrapes, splinters, nosebleeds, bumps and bruises, life-threatening bleeding, burns)
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