clothing donation call-out for youth

hi rossland!

i work at a school in trail as a youth worker. we've started a free thrift store for our youth and are seeking donations. if you are interested in donating clothing, here's the gist: 

what: men & women's clothing (this can also include hats/shoes/boots/etc) donations for youth grades 8-12 

when: feb 24 - march 10 (last week before spring break) 

how: contact me to organise drop-off or pick up
*please do not drop-off clothes without contacting me, as we don't have a lot of space and do not want to be overloaded with donations!

we typically keep donations out for a week at a time for youth to pick through, and whatever our youth do not take, i donate to the salvation army or to unhoused & vulnerable folks in trail.

please contact me at if you are interested in donating! 

thanks so much,

Always use caution and do not send or receive payment without ensuring the item is legitimate.